High Quality Service | Dondee’s Laptop Rentals

Dondee’s Audio Visual Trading & Services offers high quality Laptop Rental Service in the Philippines.

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Our Laptops are well maintained and running with the latest hardwares and softwares. We can provide identical Laptops that can be used on events like training, registrations, software launching and seminars.


For inquiries, please contact:

[smarticon name=”fa fa-phone”] +63 9178576587       [smarticon name=”fa fa-envelope”] services@dondees.com.ph
[smarticon name=”fa fa-phone”] +63 9064612482       [smarticon name=”fa fa-envelope”] dondees.services@yahoo.com
[smarticon name=”fa fa-phone-square”] (02) 420-9578

Or fill up the following form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can:

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